Sunday 24 January 2021



Just yesterday another hullabaloo happened in twitter (surprise, surprise). This time it was about an infamous stand-up comedian slash influencer who proudly claimed that he texted his employee after midnight regarding work matters. He also claimed that he - as a boss - was very, very strict (to put it mildly) and not hesitate to fire his employee. As expected, he got plenty of scloding because people think that he's being inhuman to his employee. I don't care about what his motive was when he proudly wrote that status. However, some of the interesting comments caught my attention. 

Some people said that in this 'cruel world', one shoudl be ready to work, work and work if they wanted to succeed. Someone even boldly (if not cruelly) claimed that work-and-life balance is a myth. It only existed for rich and priviledge people. The others who are not so lucky must gave more than 100%. Another comment said that 'rest' is something that does not exist in his life. He work 24/7. Literally. He spent what supposed to be his leisure time doing side jobs and he enjoyed it. 

Well I used to think that way too. As some of you might know, I used to be this brainbox girl ever since senior high school. I got the first / second rank in class. In medical school, I was the average survivor but most of my friends said I was so dilligent. And yes, I'm going to say it out loud now : I used to be an ambitious girl. 

That's me. 

Behind my calm appearance, I was that girl who studied practically 24/7. I felt guilty if I left the study materials unread for more than half an hour, I pushed myself to work on my assignments until I lost my sleeping time, etc. I was that role model student parents were comparing their kids to. Even as a little girl, I had studied Kumon and my math was about 2-3 years ahead of my school-mates. Those people who support me always tell me that we had to work if we want a bright future. Sounds familiar, eh? 

Well, to me now those words were like double-sided sword. In a way, it's good because we became discipline, appreaciate the time and digging our potentials. But on the other hand, it could make us ambitious to the point that we forgot what is life is all about. Sounds cheesy, right? But imagine this ... 

We never know how much time we had in this world. Of course it is a good thing to think about our future and prepare for it. Being ambitious and obsessed about it, is another story. Being ambitious means we practically gamble what we have in the present for whatever-it-is we're thinking our future might be. For example, once, I was pushing myself too hard that I got gastritis. The gastritis happened because I work, work and wokr until I substitute my meal with granolla bars and my sleep with endless cups of black coffee. I got admitted into ER and the doctor practically yelled at me for giving myself a break. I was forced to get 2 days off work. I spent my two days feeling guilty for resting of myself because people around me were making me believe that self-care is only for weaks and spoiled brats. 

Hell, one of my colleague who scolded me said : "You're taking two days break just because of gastritis? What kind of nonsense is that! Back in my days, my friend showed up to work with intravenous line still attached to his hand. Now that's what I called being a real doctor." 

Believe it or not, some of us were brainwashed by the society to think that we're nothing but a bunch of machines instead of human being. We're forced to normalize the super-toxic working environment that forbid us to rest and even pray. We were praised if we sacrifice our mental and/or physical health for work. As the time went by, we became more and more machine-like. We began to think it was normal to live with that kind of life rhytm. And if someone told us otherwise, we easily scold and accused them for being weak and jealous of what we had achieved. 

What did we achieve now, exactly? The money we stack in our banks? The A+ on our report cards? The praises we got for being the role-model student? The contents of textbooks we managed to cram into our heads? Were they worth our own health and sanity? 

My husband and I were quite the opposite in some ways. He, on the other hand, did not approve of being too ambitious both in career and academic. When he picked me up after I finished my board exam in Jakarta, he asked me about some of the medical students he met on his way. His questions were quite strange. 

"Why are they looking so zombie-like? Their eyes were blank. They seemed so absorbed in their own world. None of them were smilling. They were in groups but they didn't talk to each other.", he said to me. 

"Well, they probably went through one of the tough department ... like OBGYN or surgery or something...", I said. 

"Were you like that before?" he asked me. 

"More or less. I always bring a novel with me to put my mind at ease during hard time, though." I said to him. 

He shook his head, "Man, that was rough. And what for?"

"What do you mean 'what for'? We were taught to give 110% if we want to succeed.", I told him. 

"Okay listen. Here's the harsh truth about ambitious people. They work and work until they ill or worse, die. And what happen afterwards? The workplace would mourn for a while and then they easily replace them with another employee. What about the people they ignore like their families and friends? To them, they cannot be replaced.", he told me, "And was it worth having a good career and stacks of money in our bank if we're not happy and healthy? Is that life is all about?"

It hits me. He's right. Being ambitious was like being an addict. The 'reward' we got such as good grades, praises or extra cash were like the heroin injected into our vein. We felt intoxicated by them that we didn't realize it slowly kills us. We got so addicted that we didn't want to hear anything that contradicts our way of life. Even the people who genuinely care about us. 

We were told that dedicating our life to work will be worth plenty in the end. Will it? Imagine if we died just before we got that reward. How many 'if only's and 'what if's haunt us? 

If only I skip work for one day to have a day out with my parents

If only I wasn't so engrossed in my work that I pick up my child instead of yelling at them for being a brat, even though they're just want to play with their parents

If only I got more time to listen to my teenage child's problem, really listen to them and put myself in their shoes instead of taking a short-cut by telling them what an ungrateful brats they are and slamming the door in front of their tear-stained face 

What if I cut one hour of my studying/working time just to realize my surroundings? 

What if I gave myself more time to think about how my loved ones mean to me, instead of accusing them for being too clingy and needy before cutting their off my life and justify my actions for "get rid of distractions"? 

What if I give some of my earnings to take more care about myself, instead of stacking them in my bank and thinking 'I would do it tomorrow' every single day? 

etc, etc

People who are now familiar with the old me. I don't care if you're going to believe me or not, but in the end... all those 'earnings' we got, would mean nothing if we weren't healthy or happy. I guess 2020 taught us enough to re-think about our purpose in life. We thought we got everything figure out with our money and knowledge, then boom! Something happen. Plans were cancelled. We could only accept it with two options : spending our life in regret or trying to think outside our comfort zone in order to survive. 

Truth to be told, before the pandemic, I got some offer to improve my career. All I had to do is giving a little 'sacrifice' by being away from my family for half a year at least. The old me would jump into that opportunity in double-quick time. I got support anyhow. But at that time, I let the offer pass. Because I had enough of being so ambitious. Now, I just want to stop getting my nose on my book or my laptop and just re-live my life (whatever the heck that means). 

And even though I had no kids just yet. If someday I got my own children, I would not push them to do 'important' extra courses like maths or toher school subjects. I don't want them to grow up numbing their loneliness due to the absence of their parents with studying their asses off. I don't want them feeling the same fake-comforting of numbers and figures in math while forgetting that they're lonely. I don't want to guilt-trip them using the old phrase about how 'privilige'they are with all the opportunities, while I know for sure they lost their playtimes with the other kids. 

I am fully aware that my view would be scolded if I still live in the big ambitious capital city (or living my life like that). I would never be able to get enough money for my future kids or sweet easy life everyone dream of. I would waste my potentials, etc, etc. And you know what? I don't care. I'm now aware that there are things that are outside my control and working my asses of would not tame those things. As a believer, I know that each of us had our own sustenace and it would never accidentally exchanged. 

Why should I put my trust on promises people give to me and sacrifice my all for that? Allah had everything planned for me. Also 

Our rizq could not be taken by anyone. If it seemed like we didn't get what we deserve, that means Allah had another plan for us. In the eyes of the world, it might be 'worse' compared to what might have been. What is a simple 'thank you' from people we help compare to tons of money and prestige we actually 'deserved'? I'm not gonna lie, sometimes I felt disturbed to see how my friends still pursuing their career and in the meantime I seemed struggled with my own ... but then I remembered the quote above and both my mind and heart would be at ease. Even though you're not believer, I suppose you also believe the 'law of attraction' or 'The Universe' right? 

So why so ambitious? :) 

Wednesday 20 January 2021

Random Ramblings

You know one of the signs that you're actually going somewhere instead of just walking around in circles? is that you could hardly recognize who you are anymore. Or perhaps you found the reflection of the old you that you used to think as the 'ideal' self on someone else, and finding yourself loathing that ignorant-arrogant prick so much. The one who thought oneself booksmart, thinking that on has every dang thing figured out. The one who thought that science is the key of every questions in life, yet would stuck like upside-down dung beetle when life showed us something mightier and out of control. 

You even hate the phrase 'growing up' so much now. Growing up implies that you're becoming the better version of yourself. Now, you cannot tell are you getting better or worse. For those who had known you before, you're a foolish. You're becoming what they always stuck up their noses at. You're becoming a common person. An example of what society expect every one to be. Even though they know perfectly damn well this is not what you wish you could be before. 

You changed so much. Like Alice in Wonderland. You asked every creature you meet in between but they would scowl, laugh or gave you vague answers in stupid rhymes. Sometimes, they simply fly away leaving your questions unanswered. Who are you? Where are you supposed to go? And as the time goes those question and dozen others inside your head don't mean shit to you anymore. 

So you keep on walking. And walking. Wishing you get somewhere. You tried not to get your hopes up. Not planning anything. Stop wishing for anything. You just wanted to be happy and that's what you wanna do. 

Saturday 26 December 2020

New Coffee Maker

 I finally got myself a new coffee maker! *grin* well, technically this is my first coffee maker because the previous ones I tried are my parents' back home. When I was browsing here and there for coffee makers, I actually quite tempted by Nescafe Dolce Gusto. 

Especially when I saw Jesse the Reader use this in one of his video. Jesse tried to make hot chocolate-coffee combo with that and it looks soo goood! So rich and creamy! I remembered when I was on a trip with my parents, one of the waiting room in airport got similar device. I looked at the stacks of capsules and wanted to try them all! I mean : 

However, I'm aware that when it comes to coffee, my taste will always goes back to black coffee. I might tried various flavored latte, but in the end I'll be happy with plain black coffee or perhaps with a bit of creamer. And as much as I like to try those flavored coffee capsules, I wanted to try another ones too such as Toraja, Temanggung, etc. So after searching here and there I decided to get this : 

I got it here

And today it arrived! I tried to make a cup with this and so far, it's satisfying. The device is easy enough to use and clean. What made me happiest is I don't have to wait more than 20 mins to brew my coffee XD I could just put my favorite coffee ground inside, pour some water, switch it on and leave it to brew while I prepare something else. It would be great when I was running late (Which quite often, by the way). The measurements is quite similar to my usual brewing method. About 1-2.5 tablespoon of coffee ground to a glass of water. 

A short video I made while happily waiting for the delicious coffee to be ready. I tried it with the regular Luwak (Brand name only, not actual 'kopi luwak' ) one and it's pretty good. I ordered the Temanggung Coffee and the blackforest flavored one to see how it goes. 

Saturday 19 December 2020

Memory Lane

 A couple of years ago, I'm this blogger who update (quite) regularly. Usually it's random thoughts, book reviews or poetry. I also love to hop from one blog to another. I followed some infamous blogger too. Sometimes I read across this interesting blogger and I started following them. One of them is Naomi Neo. Her old blog is pretty much still here. I remember one of her writing after a bad broken heart she went through. The title of her writing is 'The People Who Care Enough Will Show it to You' the introduction felt like a pang to me :
"I kinda grew up believing that everyone's nice and I always choose to see the good in people instead of their shortcomings - I tend to find reasons or rather excuses for them whenever they disappoint me. Like if someone decides to only text me after 2 days of disappearing, I'd convince myself they were just busy. Or when someone tries to manipulate me into thinking I've done something wrong when they were they ones who clearly made a mistake, I'd lie to myself that perhaps they are right."
Y same *sighs*. I tend to think positively towards people and I look the other way on whether they deserve it or not. 
"Took me a lot of regrets and mistakes to finally realise I've to stop making excuses for thembecause the people who care enough will show it to you." 

The last few months of 2020 seemed like they wanna wake  me up to that one simple dang fact. Because as harsh as it might be, some people do not deserve that kind of 'positive thinking' for you. If anything, they might take advantage of them and only use you as their doormatt. Okay, some people went through A LOT. Sometimes all they wanna do is just minimizing their social interaction for a while. Including with you, and that's fine. They might wanna clear up their mind a little. That, we should pay respect to, yes. 

However, we should draw the line between 'taking some time off' and 'deliberately ghosting people', the second one doesn't worth your time. Personally, I never ask much. I just want a clear answer when I text 'Hey are you alright'? Perhaps something like 'No. I need some time alone.' Believe you me, people who think I might get mad or think negatively about them because of that are not those whom I want to call 'friends'. 

Yes, I said that. My 'friends' know perfectly well that I hate being ghosted. They know that if I want some time alone, I will tell them that I'm busy/ unwell. Why? Because they're my friends and I respect their feelings. Being ghosted sucks. People can get very, very upset (to put it mildly) because of being ghosted. So for the love of God, do be so kind as to tell your friends that you want to be alone. Guess what? They don't think you're owing them anything, but don't you think they deserve an answer when they ask about how are you doing? 

If you don't think so, then let's agree to disagree, shall we? Because right now I just want to sit back, relax and enjoy what I have. And I am not responsible to anyone's mental well being. 

2020 Achievement

Usually at the end of the year I'd write long list on what I've achieved in that year and then another long list of what I wanna achieve. However, this year my list of  'achievements' are : 

1. Staying alive
2. Being able to help people along the way

Alhamdulillah, thanks be to Allah 

The Joy of Medsos

Barusan aja ada ribut-ribut di linimasa twitter saya soal anak yang marah-marah karena merasa privasinya dalam bermedsos diganggu. Anak ini punya akun twitter, dimana dia merasa itu adalah zona nyamannya. Nggak ada yang salah punya zona nyaman. Beneran deh, siapa yang nggak kepengen punya ruang untuk bebas berekspersi? Dimana kita bisa ngapain aja tanpa khawatir di-judge macem-macem. Mau jungkir balik ya silakan... tapi sayangnya, anak ini salah memilih zona nyamannya. Bukannya pakai buku diary berkunci atau menggunakan alias di twitter, dia malah membuat akun twitter dengan nama asli. Dan yang dia ekspresikan itu bukan sekedar tebakan receh, lelucon bapak2 atau meme yaoming yang aga nyeleneh ... ini nyerempet2 hal yang agak saru. 

Saat ini pembaca blog saya sih masih terbatas, tapi kalau nanti ada anak < 18 tahun yang baca, tolong tanyain baik-baik ke ortu/guru ya hal-hal saru itu kayak apa, dan jangan diikuti oke? Nah lanjut ... 

Ternyata ada yang screenshot twit2nya dan mengirim ke ibunya. Anak perempuan ini ngamuk-ngamuk sama si tukang ngadu. Dia mempost tangkapan layar chat dari ibunya dan ... tadinya saya mengira dia bakal post voice not ibunya yang nyanyi heavy metal kayak Aggretsuko kalau marahnya udah seubun-ubun ... 

Atau minimal ibunya ngirim video kode kayak ini *glek*. Ibunya 'cuma' minta anak itu cepat pulang sebelum ayahnya tahu, karena ibunya mau bicara, ibunya juga menanyakan apa uang yang diberikan ayah & ibunya selama ini kurang. Haduh ... kerasa banget ibunya sedih, kecewa & bingung melihat anaknya yang seperti orang lain di twitter. 

Anak ini jadi trending karena warganet yang komentar dibagi menjadi 2 kubu : 
1. Menyalahkan si anak yang 'mencari zona bebas berekspresi' tapi yang dieskpresikan itu hal-hal nyeleneh dan menggunakan identitas asli 
2. Membela si anak karena harusnya orangtua memberikan zona privais buat anak-anaknya

Kalau saya pribadi, saya setuju sama nomer 1. Media sosial itu bukan tempat yang tepat buat membongkar semua aib. Kenapa? Karena bisa dilihat semua orang dan jejak digital itu nggak akan hilang. Waktu zaman bbm dulu mulai ada status aja, orang yang tanpa sengaja menyalakan fitur 'now listening' dan kemudian menonton video 'minus-minus' & terupdate di statusnya, bisa kena 'pinalti' berupa discreenshot (dengan screen muncher yang ada bunyi 'kraukk'-nya) terus disebar kemana-mana. 

Apalagi sekarang? Zaman yang makin hari makin membuat saya merasa kayak di novel 1984-nya George Orwell. Diawasi terus oleh pengikut 'Bung Besar'. Dunia sosmed sudah nggak seperti dulu lagi, dimana saya khusus membuat akun twitter supaya bisa follow berita tentang orangutan di atau membuat akun facebook supaya bisa main game Pet Society. Sekarang, Twitter adalah wadah buat baku jempol dan kadang merebet jadi baku hantam di dunia nyata. Begitu juga dengan Facebook. Udah nggak keitung orang yang saya 'mute' karena makin hari statusnya makin bikin gerah. 

Harusnya kita lebih hati-hati. Untuk kasus si mbaknya, kalau dia mau mengunggah status-status saru dengan 'aman', lebih baik pakai akun anonim. Kecuali dia bikin masalah yang mengarah ke pengancaman kemanan orang lain atau bahkan negara... orang nggak akan repot-repot melaporkan ke Cybercrime POLRI kok. Paling cuma dikomentari 'wong edan' lalu dianggap sepi. 

Belajar dari yang dulu-dulu, sejak orang mulai suka persekusi keblunderan orang lain di medsos, seharusnya kita bisa tahu kalau memposting hal-hal nyeleneh dengan identitas asli itu beresiko tinggi. Jangankan hal-hal yang nyeleneh lah ... kita bikin status opini aja kadang bisa dibikin blunder sama orang lain. Apalagi kalau kita punya nama di medsos. Selebgram/twit lah istilahnya. Begitu diblunderkan, langsung jadi trending topic seindonesia raya. Ingat salah satu adegan di The Raid 2 dimana Iko Uwais 'ngumpet' di kamar mandi penjara dan di depan pintu sudah menunggu sekumpulan NAPI berbadan ala pemain Smackdown yang menggedor pintu dengan ganas sambil siap-siap mempermak si Iko jadi orek tempe? Kira-kira begitu rasanya ketika kamu blunder atau diblunderkan oleh orang-orang. 

Saya nggak pernah suka namanya persekusi baik digital atau di dunia nyata. Meskipun maksudnya baik, tapi maksud baiknya nggak tersampaikan karena yang dipersekusi keburu gondok duluan. Misalkan orang lagi nyetir mundur, mau nabrak tiang listrik terus mobilnya digedor-gedor sama puluhan orang terus dimaki-maki karena hampir nabrak tiang listrik, apa 'maksud baik'-nya bakalan nyampe? Yang ada kalau dia nggak semaput di mobil ya dia bakalan panik ngebut nabrakin itu orang-orang. 

Tapi ya ... itulah salah satu 'the joy of medsos' sekarang. Kalau nggak ribut seharii aja kayaknya ada yang kurang. Karena memblokir medsos bisa memancing protes orang-orang seindonesia raya, saat ini yang bisa kita lakukan adalah berhati-hati (banget) dalam bermain medsos.

Saturday 22 August 2020

Berburu Pernak-pernik di Adele Babarsari

Dulu waktu aku kecil & masih tinggal di Jakarta, aku dan teman-temanku suka banget berburu alat tulis lucu di Pasar Tebet. Ada satu toko yang jadi favorit kami karena terdapat benda-benda unyu di setiap sudutnya. Waktu lagi tren tukar-tukaran kertas file atau organizer, kayaknya setiap kali kami beli dari toko itu, pasti besoknya banyak yang mau tukeran. Saking bagusnya, kadang sayang banget kalau mau nulis di kertas itu :)) pasti ditaruh di deretan paling belakang & nggak boleh digunain. 

Yang nggak bisa aku lupain sampe sekarang adalah rasa bahagia menelusuri lorong-lorong sempit, senengnya pas ketemu pulpen unik atau buku diary dengan gembok bentuk hati + kunci dan kejutan waktu kita mendapatkan benda yang nggak disangka-sangka. Niat mau beli kertas file lucu bisa berakhir dengan seplastik penuh benda-benda yang belum tentu terpakai. Bodo amatlah, yang penting lucu :)) 

Hari ini aku mencari peniti + tuspin polos. Awalnya aku nyari di beberapa marketplace online dan nyaris kalap melihat model tuspin macem-macem dan peniti warna-warni :)) sayangnya aku nggak perlu banyak dan ongkirnya kadang malah lebih mahal. Akhirnya karena hari ini aku ada waktu luang, aku mampir ke Adele Babarsari. 

Karena aku tau ini toko asesoris yang super-lengkap & aku nggak mau sampe kalap borong-borong, aku udah menetapkan budget buat belanjarku hari itu. Pokoknya nggak boleh lebih dari sekian lah. Soalnya begitu aku masuk ... di sisi kiri langsung disambut lebih dari dua rak berisi bros, peniti, jarum pentul dan tuspin lucu. Huwaaa pengen beli semua! Untungnya aku nggak begitu suka yang ada bling-blingnya, ... jadi bisa mempersempit pencarianku. 

Adele Jogja Buka Jam Berapa - Adele Hello Someone Like You

Kurang lebih tokonya kayak gini 

oh iya tempat ini juga menjual barang-barang shabby chic murah meriah. Jadi buat yang niat mau ganti suasana kamar / kostan tapi tetap on budget, tempat ini sangat aku rekomendasikan. 

Adele, Ruko Rafflesia Babarsari Square Kav 3B-7, Jalan Babarsari ...

Yang surprise adalah ketika aku menemukan eye mask yang ada isi gel-nya. Udah lama banget aku nyari eye mask kayak gitu tapi lagi-lagi di toko online pasti ongkirnya membuat galau. Aku langsung beli & mencoba mencelupkan gel-nya di air panas sebelum kupakai buat mengompres mataku. Rasanya nyaman bangeeett ... my tired eyes are happy! :P 

Adele Babarsari juga menjual alat-alat make up (kuas, beauty blender, bulu mata palsu, lem bulu mata palsu, dll) , botol kecil untuk travelling, dll dengan harga yang lebih murah dari toko asesoris di mall. Buat yang penasaran ini tempatnya : 

Adele Babarsari
Ruko Rafflesia Babarsari Square Kav 3B-7
Jalan Babarsari, Kledokan, Caturtunggal
 Kec. Depok, Kabupaten Sleman
Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55281

Oh iya di toko ini semua tas & jaket harus dititip. Bukanya jam 10 pagi - 10 malam. 


  Just yesterday another hullabaloo happened in twitter (surprise, surprise). This time it was about an infamous stand-up comedian slash inf...